SAAM 2024

Welcome to Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2024! This website should help you find a 2024 SAAM event in your area. For more information, please contact the organization holding the event. 




Start by Believing (April 3rd)


WEBINAR: Supporting LGBTQIA+ Survivors of Sexual Assault (April 8th @ 6pm - 7 pm)

-Register here!

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Awards

Date: Wednesday, April 17th 2024

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

Location:  Utah State Capitol in Capitol Boardroom (2nd floor of Capitol) 

Description: Join us for the annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month Awards. This is an opportunity to recognize people who have improved victim services in Utah for sexual assault victims and who have gone above and beyond to improve our state. 

Mes de concientización sobre el abuso sexual (20 de abril a las 2 de la trade)

-Nos juntaremos en la oficina de UCASA. 275 E S Temple St #200, Salt Lake City, UT 84111. Esta transmisión también será impartida por Zoom.

-Cómo Participar:
Si desea registrarse para esta transmisión, llame o envíe un correo electrónico a Esmeralda o Lisa.
Esmeralda: [email protected], (801)746-0404 ext. 702
Lisa: [email protected], (801) 746-0404 ext. 707
O visite este enlace para registrarse

Denim Day

Date: Wednesday, April 24th 2024

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

Location: Utah Capitol (The Rotunda)

Description: For this event we plan on meeting at the Utah Capitol Building come join us and show your support for survivors of sexual assault by wearing denim on Denim Day. Help raise awareness about the misconceptions surrounding sexual violence and advocate for a world free from victim-blaming.

WEBINAR: Using Our Strength: Men’s role in ending sexual violence (April 25th @ 6:30pm - 7:30 pm)

It can sometimes be difficult for men to know how to support the anti-rape movement or if we even have a role to play. In this webinar we will discuss some of the obstacles men might face when fighting against sexual violence and ways in which men can step in and make a difference. Join us for this conversation and help create healthier and safer families and communities.

-Register here!

Northern Utah

Rape Recovery Center





Weber State University

The Women's Center and the Outdoor Program are having an event for survivors and allies called Climb with Care. It is open to the public as long as they sign up with the link below. It will be held Wednesday the 17th of April at the Lower Crag at Ninth Street Climbing Area from 2 PM - 4:30 PM
Jess Pleyel will guide a trauma-informed climbing workshop. In the workshop, participants will learn how to top rope safely while also learning to trust their bodies and the other participants.
If you would like to sign up, please follow this link




Central Utah


Southern Utah

Canyon Creek Services



Sugar Cookies for SAAM

-SUU on April 16th.

Chalk about Consent

-Outside of the SUU library on April 17th


SUU is hosting Denim Day

-Due to finals being in the same week as National Denim Day, the event will be held on April 18th at SUU


Take Back the Night Walk around campus

-Suu campus April 18th

The Clothesline Project will be up in the SUU living room during the week of the 15th




The DOVE Center

For more information on all SAAM events for DOVE, visit their website HERE





"What were you wearing?" event.
Location: Utah Tech University
The first date and location will be in the Holland Main Lobby April 1st-5th.
The second date and location will be in the Browning Building April 8th-12th

Heels to heal event 
April 20 10am-2pm
Utah Tech University campus

Please email [email protected] to register!

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